

With an increased emphasis on improvement efforts, financial management agencies require a consulting support team experienced in Federal financial management. It is critical that the team understands what is required to maintain compliance with applicable standards/guidance and reliable financial management best practices. Our professionals provide a broad array of services to help the government enterprise establish sustainable improvement to performance, operations and quality of service.

AOC has an unmatched record of successfully providing financial management support to meet the needs of our Federal clients. We are recognized for our efforts in supporting agencies in successfully meeting their financial management goals. We offer the flexibility and adaptability of a small company, with experience exceeding many larger businesses offering the same services. This flexibility provides our Federal clients a lower risk approach and best value delivery.

Our Services Include:

Implementing all aspects of OMB Circular A-123 requirements, including assessing the design and operational effectiveness of internal controls and effectively correcting control weaknesses.

Improving business processes with recommendations on efficiencies to include business process reengineering support.

Preparing for and supporting the audit of the entire complement of OMB Circular A-136 reporting requirements, including the Balance Sheet, Statement of Net Cost, Statement of Budgetary Resources, Statement of Changes in Net Position, Statement of Custodial Activity, Statement of Financing Note, financial statement footnotes, and the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A).

Design, development, production, and messaging of various financial and performance reports to include: Performance and Accountability Report (PAR); Agency Financial Report (AFR); and Annual Performance Report (APR) in accordance with OMB Circulars A-11 and A-136.

Implementing and executing the Treasury cash management, Prompt Payment Act (PPA), Payment Integrity Information Act (PIIA), Debt Collection Improvement Act (DCIA) requirements, and accounts receivable/payable services via the Treasury Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) Systems.

AOC supports agency compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) through the analysis of emerging federal accounting and audit issues, and the development of official position papers. Accurate and reliable financial reporting is critical to the success of any Federal agency. AOC recognizes these challenges and has the in-depth knowledge and experience necessary to assist agencies to provide sustainable solutions that deliver results, not just diagnosis of the problems.

What's Happening at AOC

AOC Awarded BPA by the U.S. Department of Treasury, OCC

Fairfax, Virginia, January 6, 2023 — AOC Solutions (AOC)...

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AOC Solutions Awarded Multiple Award BPA by the Defense Logistics Agency.

Fairfax, Virginia, December 13, 2022 — AOC Solutions has been...

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AOC Solutions Secures U.S. Election Assistance Commission Contract

Fairfax, Virginia, November 30, 2022 — AOC Solutions (AOC)...

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